Author Archive

Giving Mobile Users Control

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Giving Mobile Users Control

One of the wonderful things about developing for mobile devices is the ability to utilize their unique controls to make fun and interactive games. Unfortunately this can also be one of the downsides. While computers and consoles have rather standardized input devices, phones and tablets do not offer quite the luxury. Apple keeps a tight control over the production of their products, and it makes it easier for developers to know what the user will experience when using their app. ...

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Porting Noms the Fish to Android

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Porting Noms the Fish to Android

Yesterday I started working on porting Noms the Fish over to Android. Most of the work I am doing will speed along the port to iOS (iPad/iPhone) devices, which will come later. The general mechanics of the game make for a rather smooth transition. There are some things that need(ed) to be changed. While the equivalence of a “mouse hover feature” does technically work on mobile devices, it really is not ideal. Therefore everything is being translated over to screen ...

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Why You Should Use AutoPatcher

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Why You Should Use AutoPatcher

Establishing an automatic patching system for a game can be quite the daunting task for any game developer. If you are distributing your game solely on game portals that offer client updates (such as IndieCity), then you have nothing to worry about. If you are selling your game direct, then that is a different story. Providing update patches can be easy enough, but how do your customers know the patch is available and how easy is it for ...

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